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We believe that God has an incredible plan for every one of us and for our local communities. We know that God’s love is limitless and unconditional and that He challenges us to love everyone who walks through our doors with the same kind of love. We recognise there is immeasurable treasure in everyone– whatever our life experiences, mistakes, successes or backgrounds. It is our hope to see each other thrive – discovering the gifts God has planted into each of us. We choose to celebrate each other, faithfully walking through the challenges of life side by side, offering love and hope at every turn. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been a Christian for years or whether you’re not even sure if you believe at all. God believes in you, God loves you – and so do we!
We are also firm believers in the power of God. Over the years we have seen many people miraculously healed of physical and emotional illnesses. We have seen miraculous provision and protection. He also said His followers, or we like to use the word “apprentices”, will do the same, and more! We take Jesus at His word round here – so we’re practising bringing that kind of life and hope and love to those around us.
Jesus says, “Follow Me!” Many of us at King’s have chosen to do so. We believe discipleship is more than a course at the start of our Christian journey but a lifelong pursuit of learning to be with Jesus, becoming like Jesus and doing what Jesus did.
For 2023 and 2024 we are using the excellent resources and teaching from John Mark Comer’s ‘Practicing The Way’. We are intentional about our spiritual formation. We recognise everyone is worshipping something. Everyone is being spiritually formed by something. We’re choosing to be spiritually formed by Jesus instead of other things in the world that attempt to influence and shape us.
Each teaching topic lasts for 4 weeks, which we spread throughout the year. All other teaching continues to support our Key Areas of Focus. In our King’s Community Groups, we practice what we’re learning. We’re prioritising Jesus and His presence above everything else.
The Bible says God has given gifts to everyone. Those gifts are a blessing to the individual, but they are given so that, when partnering with all the other gifts across the church, we become a healthy body which thrives. When this happens, we see effective change in lives and communities. We see things happen which could never be accomplished if we were living isolated, inward-focused lives. The Bible uses the analogy of a human body – how, if one part isn’t working or is suffering, the whole body suffers as a result. We all have a responsibility to use the gifts God has given us to work collaboratively to serve each other and those around us.
Jesus gave up His life for every single person who walks through our doors. They are indescribably valuable to God. Therefore, as representatives of God – we too should see people the way He does. It’s a culture we are intentionally cultivating at every level at King’s Church. We choose to celebrate people for who God says they are without getting caught up in whether we think they deserve it or not.
Jesus isn’t impressed by criticism, gossip or judgement – He made it very clear that’s not our job and those things shouldn’t come from our lips or hearts. Our responsibility is to love and encourage – to celebrate one another. We believe this creates an environment which causes people to grow into the fullness of who God has called them to be. Hopefully, if you walk through our doors at King’s, you’ll encounter the culture of honour and feel the love!
Until we, Jesus followers, know who we are in Christ, we will always be living lives with limitations. We won’t see the full effects of the power and promises of God working through every area of our lives. God calls us sons and daughters. He has forgiven us everything we’ve ever done wrong, and everything we ever will. He has made us righteous in Christ, we are co-heirs with Christ, we are seated in Heavenly places, co-labourers with God, temples of the Holy Spirit, ambassadors for Christ, we are more than conquerors and new creations in Christ – the list goes on! If we are to walk in the fullness of our calling – we must be certain of who we are in Christ and our position and authority on the earth and in the Heavenly realms.
We believe we should be influencing our neighbourhoods in powerfully positive ways, empowered by, and filled with God in order that we go into our local communities and release the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
We believe that even the smallest acts of kindness will change the world. So, our King’s Community groups are the “Ekklesia” of God going into our neighbourhoods to show God’s kindness and release the influence of Heaven. This might be something simple like litter picking, helping groups who support those with dementia, painting benches in our local park, serving tea and cake at our local galas, gardening for those who find it difficult, giving Christmas hampers to those affected by the cost of living, partnering with our local council and other governmental organisations etc the possibilities are endless.
The point is – we’re really trying to get out there – out of our comfy Sunday seats into the world around us, bringing with us the kindness and hope of our God, building positive relationships with those in our communities. We also try to have a lifestyle of generosity – so it’s not just reserved for a special event, or when we’re in our King’s Community groups – but in our everyday living.