King's Church had its beginnings in the home of Paul & Eve Clift – members of the present Senior Leadership Team – during the 1970s at a time when major changes were taking place within the church in the UK.

Spiritual gifts were being rediscovered and apostolic and prophetic ministries were beginning to emerge. One of those ministries was led by Bryn Jones and was based at Church House in Bradford. They organised an annual event known as Dales Bible Week. When Paul & Eve attended the event in 1978 they were impacted to the extent that they began to attend Church House until in June 1980, together with twenty two others, they began to meet on Sundays at the SCOPE Centre in Pellon Lane, Halifax, with Bill and Veronica Elliott as their leaders, under the auspices of Covenant Ministries but with the name Halifax Christian Fellowship.
A number of changes ensued in name, to Calderdale Community Church and then to the King’s Church, Halifax; in leadership; and in venue, until in 1995 the Trustees were able to purchase the disused and derelict swimming baths in Park Road which, thanks to the generosity and hard work of our people, have been redeveloped into our home, the King’s Centre (see here for the history of Park Road Swimming Baths).
Following the death of Bryn Jones in 2002 Apostolic oversight was provided to us by Ernie Hammond whose wisdom, love and concern was invaluable to us until his own death. Although we no longer have these two wonderful men of God with us they have left a spiritual legacy, in particular by way of bringing two of three prophetic words given in the year 2000 which were significant to us. Ernie spoke of ‘the Church transformed by worship’; Bryn of ‘the City taken by the Word of God’; and our dear friend, Texan pastor Rick Gillis of ‘the Nation touched by the Glory of God’.