Partner together to build the Kingdom of God and help make a difference as we share in what God is doing.
King’s Church family and friends are involved in a wide range of different ministries that are impacting the local community of Calderdale, the region of Yorkshire, our nation and nations around the world. We believe that our faith in Jesus is lived out through: prayer and action; making a difference in society; sharing the good news of Jesus who changes people and society; demonstrating the Kingdom of God as a reality on earth as it is in heaven.
We invest deeply in a variety of ministries, volunteer opportunities, and resources in order to be all God has called us to be in the communities in which we live.
For more information on any of the following ministries, please contact us at:

Connect and be equipped through our various areas of ministry
Coffee Pot
Coffee Pot is a group of friends who meet every Monday to go deeper into God’s Word, share life experiences and pray together. It’s a joyful group and everyone is very welcome! Mondays 1.30pm.
Prayer Ministry
The prayer ministry team operates on Sunday mornings to pray alongside people during the Gathering. They meet once a month to share experience, knowledge and understanding and to grow together as a ministry team.
Children’s Ministry

Pastoral Ministry
The Pastoral Team visit those who may be ill, isolated or in need and who don’t have family, King’s Community Groups or other people close to them to help in their time of need. The pastoral team do shopping, accompany people to medical appointments, befriend and visit people through long-term and often terminal illness. They meet every 2 months.

House of Prayer
A group of people with a passion for intercession. They meet specifically to pray for the church, for Calderdale and for needs and situations in the world, etc. Everyone is welcome.
Healing Rooms
We believe God heals today. Our ministry teams are trained
in praying for people in a confidential and sensitive manner.
Everyone is welcome irrespective of faith or no faith at all. No
appointment is necessary and the ministry is free of charge.
Located at King’s Church on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the
month, 3pm-8pm. For further info:
God created each of us with gifts and talents to bring Him glory and to benefit the body of Christ
- Audio Visual team
- Children’s Ministry
- Crèche
- Hospitality team
- Pastoral Ministry
- Welcome Team
- Worship Team
- Events Team
If you’re interested in finding out more about the teams
and how to join in, please contact King’s admin at: and we’ll pass your details
onto the relevant team leader!